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If you've been thinking about joining The PDA Space Portal and would like to know more about what we cover and how we can support you, your young person and your family, have a scroll down to see what is currently live in The Portal and what is coming soon.
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Live Workshops Coming Up
Webinars Coming Up
Current Workshops
Current Webinars

Current Workshops In The Portal

Click on the images for more information

May 2024

Marie Ralph & Paul Stevenson

Co-occurrence between Tourettes and OCD

June 2024

Kay Aldred

Embodiment and Trauma

July 2024

Libby Hill

Introduction to Gestalt Language Processing

Current Webinars In The Portal

Click on the images for more information

May 2024

Heidi Steel

Unschooling and Home Education

June 2024

Hannah Harris  

 End of Term Support

July 2024 

Corrina Wood

Recognising the Demands of Transitions and Finding Ways to Reduce the Pressure

Live Workshops Coming Up

More information coming soon

12th July 2024

Libby Hill

Introduction to Gestalt Language Processing

9th August 2024

Chris Bonnello

Being your authentic autistic self

16th September 2024

Dr Joanne Riordan

Executive Functioning and Low Demand

Pre-recorded Webinars Coming Up

Click on the images for more information

26th July 2024

Corrina Wood

Recognising the Demands of Transitions and Finding Ways to Reduce the Pressure

23rd August 2024

Judith Rayner

Regulating Ourselves Using Breath

More Information About Workshops & Webinars Here

LIVE WORKSHOP: Marie Ralph & Paul Stevenson | Co-occurrence between Tourettes and OCD

In this workshop, Marie & Paul will expand on her presentation for this year’s PDA Space Summit.  They explain in more detail, the co-occurring between Tourettes and OCD. They will go through the science, sharing the self-harm aspects.

LIVE WORKSHOP: Kay Aldred | Embodiment and Trauma

In this workshop, Kay discusses:
- What wellbeing is
- What embodiment is and why it is important to consider
- Why transitions are hard – especially concerning PDA
- Strategies and suggestions of how to support family well-being during times of change

From an embodiment perspective, demands put us into sympathetic activation – so the key as a family is to build the capacity to tolerate sympathetic activation. Hence doing exercises more before transition.

CURRENT WEBINAR: Heidi Steel | Unschooling and Home Education

In this webinar, Heidi busts some of the myths around home education, concerns around deregistering in the UK and from specialist school settings.

Heidi explains what home education is and how to unschool your young person.

She shares how to turn everyday activities into learning experiences.

LIVE WORKSHOP COMING UP: Libby Hill | Introduction to Gestalt Language Processing

In this workshop, Libby will discuss the differences between the two ways and show you how to work out whether your child is a Gestalt Language Processor (GLP) and how best to support these GLPs.

The session will also cover the implications of using delayed echolalia rather than the typical bottom up approach. 

LIVE WORKSHOP COMING UP: Chris Bonnello | Being your authentic autistic self

This session is aimed to be helpful to autistic young people with self-esteem or self-perception struggles, those wanting more joy in their lives, and parents wanting to support their children becoming their best autistic selves.

PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR COMING UP: Hannah Harris | End of term support

In this webinar, Hannah addresses some of the questions that families could ask teachers before the end of term to support the transition from one year group to the next. 

PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR COMING UP: Corrina Wood | Recognising the Demands of Transitions and Finding Ways to Reduce the Pressure

In this webinar, Corinna will explain how transitioning from one activity to another is an Executive Function, and a demand in itself. The workshop will outline how every transition is loaded with demands. Corrina will look at how we can break down transitions and reduce the number of demands, from getting up in the morning to coming off the Xbox! Her workshop will help you understand and manage transitions better.

PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR COMING UP: Judith Rayner | Regulating Ourselves Using Breath

In this webinar, Judith shares simple tools and smalls changes in how we breathe, to bring our nervous systems back to balance in challenging times.  

This presentation is ideal for parents or anyone dealing with difficult situations needing to find ways of calming the nervous system and reducing stress and anxiety.